Ph.D. in Telecommunication Technologies and Computational Engineering (T2IC)

The Doctoral Program in Telecommunication Technologies and Computational Engineering (T2IC) is aimed at training doctors in the areas of Telecommunication Technologies, Intelligent Systems, and Numerical Applications in Engineering, and, in general, in the field of information technologies.

It consolidates the activity of research teams from the The Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) and Intelligent Systems and Numerical Applications in Engineering (IUSIANI). The participation of these Research Institutes of the ULPGC increases the capacity to strengthen interdisciplinarity, increasing links with other R&D agents.

The program arose from the complete integration of two active programs for years at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) that have shown levels of quality and excellence.

Este programa de doctorado esta impartidos desde la Escuela de Doctorado de la ULPGC, siendo su coordinador el profesor Dr. Juan José Aznárez González del IUSIANI.

Imagen del Coordinador (T2IC)
Dr. Juan José Aznárez González

Coordinator Doctorate in Telecommunication Technologies and Computational Engineering (T2IC)

Phone: 928 451 914
Office: Engineering Building

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