• Presentation
  • Members
  • Research Lines
  • Projects


Over the last decade, the Division of Microelectronics and Microsystems (DMEMS) of the Institute of Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) has explored the scientific and technological fields of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) design and the analysis and optimization of embedded systems that include MEMS.

The group's activity, and therefore its expertise, is extensive in the design of complex high-performance systems, combining knowledge of signal processing, packet switching systems in high-speed networks, and design and co-design technologies for IP core-based SoC, with the specification of architectures, the development of design tools, and the modeling and design of application-specific integrated circuits.

Over the past years, the division has participated in multidisciplinary European projects that include knowledge areas in biology (nutrition, genetics, pathology, among others) and electronics (microelectronics, computer architecture, among others) with applications to the aquaculture industry. It has developed patents, with multidisciplinary teams, including the biosensor device AEFishBIT. This device is an implant for detecting the physical activity and respiration of species of interest in aquaculture. AEFishBIT is currently used for sampling juvenile and adult individuals of sea bass, gilthead bream, and salmon, monitoring behavior and gill movement, and its relationship with the nutrition, genetics, and pathology of the species. Other applications in the context of European projects with national and local interest include monitoring systems for oceanic cages in aquaculture, through embedded systems that include accelerometers (MEMS) powered by batteries or energy recovery (MoonlightBIT). MoonlightBIT is an autonomous monitoring system for open-sea aquaculture cage mooring lines, both for structural and environmental parameter monitoring.


Imagen del Director (MEMS)
Dr. Juan Antonio Montiel Nelson

Director of the Microelectronics and Microsystems (MEMS) division

Phone: 928 451 252
Office: Electronics and Telecommunications Building - Pavilion A

Name and SurnameCategoryPhoneContact
Dr. Juan Antonio Montiel Nelson ULPGC Professor Contacto
Dr. Tomás Bautista Delgado ULPGC Professor Contacto
Dr. Pablo Ignacio González Domínguez ULPGC Professor Contacto
Dr. Carlos Javier Sosa González ULPGC Professor Contacto
Dr. José Miguel Monzón Verona ULPGC Professor Contacto
Dr. Carlos Salvador Betancor Martín ULPGC Professor Contacto
Dr. Leopoldo Simón Rodríguez Researcher Contracted by Project or Program Contacto
José David Sánchez López-trejo Researcher Contracted by Project or Program Contacto
Juan Montiel Caminos Postgraduate Student / Research Fellow Contacto
Judith Santana Abril Postgraduate Student / Research Fellow Contacto
Jorge Santana Cabrera Postgraduate Student / Research Fellow Contacto
Dra. Graciela Santana Sosa Postgraduate Student / Research Fellow Contacto
Francisco Joel Auyanet Santana Technician Contracted by Project or Program Contacto
Roy Alejandro Tarapuez Medina Technician Contracted by Project or Program Contacto
Sonia Victoria Vega Quintana Technician Contracted by Project or Program Contacto
Sara Lustres Del Castillo Undergraduate Student in Research Training Regime Contacto
Dr. Víctor Navarro Botello Visiting Researcher Contacto

Microelectronics and Microsystems (MEMS)

Responsible: Dr. Juan Antonio Montiel Nelson

UNESCO Code: 3307

SL4.1: Nano and Micro Electromechanical Systems

T1: MEMS Design

The field of microsensors and microactuators, called MEMS ("microelectromechanical systems"), has grown spectacularly in this century. Using the same tools developed for electronic circuit design and complementing them with others specific to mechanics and electricity, such as finite element analysis, 3D CAD, among others, miniature sensors, transducers, and mechanical structures are designed, simulated, and manufactured on silicon and other materials. This research line aims to acquire the most complete possible vision of this field, its applications, current and future developments; starting with microfabrication, continuing with advances in microsensors and microtransducers used in the aerospace sector, biomedicine, bioengineering, and their applications; and ending with microelectronic integration techniques of these devices.

T2: Performance Analysis of Systems and Energy Management Analysis

This research line focuses on the performance analysis of systems and energy management and includes associated engineering to find simulated and analytical solutions for real micro and nano systems. The research line includes other areas of interest: heuristic and deterministic optimization methods, quantitative evaluation of systems, stochastic process algebra, queue networks, distributed generation, and solution of very long chains of Markov, discrete event simulation, modeling network traffic and topologies. Research in this group is oriented towards hardware performance analysis, software performance analysis, embedded system performance analysis, system-level performance analysis, and application performance analysis (algorithms).

T3: Modeling of Systems on Chip and Structured Simulation

This activity focuses on two complementary techniques for system design: modeling of Systems on Chip (SoC) and structured simulation of their operation and performance. Modeling techniques are oriented towards describing these systems at high levels of abstraction, so it is necessary to disregard the need to refer to details that are not decisive for their conception at this level. Likewise, at the simulation level, the precise separation of information that is really relevant to the integration of all components within the system is useful, fundamentally affecting the proper transfer of data between them, studied with various quality criteria typical of network study.

T4: Numerical Simulation of Micromechanical Systems for Analysis and Synthesis of MEMS Devices

The finite element method (FEM) is the most widely used method for solving engineering problems, and at the microscale, the interaction of mechanical and electrical properties is of great interest for the design of sensors and actuators.

Sensor system for fish farm cages

Principal Investigator: Dr. Tomás Bautista Delgado

Code: TEC2017-89403-C2-2-R (SI-1479)
Funded by: Government of Spain
Start Date: 2018 End Date: 2020

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