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Doctorate in Telecommunications Technologies (EES)

The University Institute of Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) teaches the Doctorate in Telecommunications Technologies (DTT), adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), as a continuation of the previous Doctorate Program in Advanced Telecommunications Engineering,…

Job Offer RAUDOS2 Platform

  Having published the final resolution of the RAUDOS2 Project: Multiplatform interactive network for the distribution of audiovisual content (TSI-020302-2010-67) granted by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce within the Avanza2 plan, a position is announced…

The IUMA awarded for its research work

Source: ULPGC The IUMA has been publicly recognized with the award of the Telecommunications Research Prize awarded by the Association of Telecommunications Engineers of the Canary Islands and the Canary Islands Demarcation of the College of…