The EC finances the STRATUM project for the application of AI in neurosurgery with 10 MEuros

8 FEB 2024
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The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), through the Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA), coordinates the European project STRATUM, which proposes the development of an innovative tool to aid decision-making during brain tumor surgery operations based on real-time processing of 3D multimodal data using artificial intelligence algorithms.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, February 2, 2024.

STRATUM – 3D Decision Support Tool for Brain Tumor Surgery It is a European project funded by the research and innovation program of the European Union Horizon Europe, coordinated by the university professor of The Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Dr. Gustavo Marrero Callicó.

STRATUM aims to develop a novel decision-making aid tool during brain tumor surgery operations. Brain surgeries, especially those aimed at removing tumors, present serious challenges for neurosurgeons. Accurate differentiation of critical tissues and tumor margins during surgery, along with the interpretation of large amounts of data from various devices, are critical and often very complex tasks.

The main purpose of STRATUM focuses on the development of a 3D imaging system in which the aim is to reach a technological maturity level TRL7 (“Demonstration of system or prototype in a real environment”), based on the real-time processing of 3D multi-modal data using artificial intelligence algorithms. This innovative tool will be integrated as a low-energy data capture and processing system within the neurosurgery workflow, marking a significant milestone in the convergence between technology and medicine, and thus promoting the creation of a new generation of neuro-browsers.

The integration of these data sources, both existing and emerging (such as the case of hyperspectral imaging technology), along with their real-time processing, will provide neurosurgeons with the ability to make informed, efficient and accurate decisions during surgical procedures. This can not only maximize tumor tissue resection rate, but also expected to reduce risks of neurological deficits, directly benefiting patients. Medical collaboration through innovative protocols will allow STRATUM contribute significantly to the improving care in brain surgeries.

The expected impact of STRATUM It extends beyond the clinical field, since, by performing time-efficient surgical procedures, it will allow reducing anesthesia time, minimizing risks to patients and possible post-operative complications, while allowing the optimization of the resources of the European healthcare system. .

The project STRATUM, financed with 10.7 million euros by the program Horizon Europe (HORIZON-HLTH-2023 – Grant Agreement No. 101137416), began last December 1, 2023 and has a duration of 5 years (will end in November 2028). The consortium interdisciplinary and international of STRATUM includes a total of 12 partners from 6 different countries:

This consortium has been built on six scientific pillars of knowledge:

  1. Processing medical data using artificial intelligence (ULPGC and YOU/e);
  2. Development hardware and software through high performance computing (BSC, UPM, UNIPV and RPTU);
  3. Clinical and health research (R.S., BE MORE and FIISC);
  4. Industrial research and development in acceleration hardware (UPMEM) and medical devices (OPTOMIC);
  5. Health technology assessment (FIISC through the SESCS);
  6. Citizen science and participatory research (ECSA and ULPGC).

STRATUM It is a project aimed at the rapid exploitation of its results. The exploitation activities are directed by the two industrial partners of the consortium, being OPTOMIC the main player in the manufacturing and marketing of the tool STRATUM, which is estimated for the year 2030 (2 years after completing the project). This will allow the Spanish industry to be at the forefront of medical instrumentation in neurosurgery at an international level.

Contact: Dr. Gustavo M. Callico – Coordinator of the STRATUM project and Principal Investigator of the ULPGC (IUMA):

To amplify information: STRATUM project press release